- D2.1 Requirements, KPIs, evaluation plan and architecture - First version Reports
- D3.3 Prototype of application and infrastructure performance models Reports
- D6.1 SODALITE platform and use cases implementation plan Reports
- D6.2 Initial implementation and evaluation of the SODALITE platform and use cases Reports
- D2.4 Guidelines for contributors to the SODALITE framework Reports
- D3.1 First version of ontologies and semantic repository Reports
- D4.1 IaC Management initial version Reports
- D5.1 application deployment and dynamic runtime Initial version Reports
- D6.5 SODALITE framework - First version Reports
- D7.1 Web presence, branding and communication guidelines Reports
- D2.2 Requirements, KPIs, evaluation plan and architecture - Intermediate version Reports
- D4.2 IaC Management - Intermediate version Reports
- D5.2 Application deployment and dynamic runtime - Intermediate version Reports
- D6.6 SODALITE Framework - Second Version Reports
- D6.3 Intermediate Implementation and Evaluation of the SODALITE Platform and Use Cases Reports
- D2.3 Requirements, KPIs, evaluation plan and architecture - final version Reports
- D3.2 - Final version of ontologies and semantic repository Reports
- D3.4 - Full release of application and infrastructure performance models Reports