ISBN: 978-3-031-04960-6
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Here you can find all the code development of the SODALITE project.
The project aims to simplify modelling of application and infrastructure with a focus on performance of deployed applications.
The SODALITE value
increase, by means of optimisation, applications’ effectiveness, that is, the ratio between performance of abstracted and deployed application.
flexibility means simplicity to deploy an application onto different compute targets (e.g., x86, arm, gpu, fpga) and with response times for actual deployment
Deployment Continuity
enabling static optimisation of the so-abstracted applications onto specific infrastructuresSpeed
from the software providers perspective, reduce the times for software development, packaging, and deployment of applications requiring software-defined heterogeneous HPC.
In recent years, the global market has seen a tremendous rise in utility computing, which serves as the back-end for practically any new technology, methodology or advancement from healthcare to aerospace. As part of that market, however, many trends, such as Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT), promise to push the resources of the EU off the rails if these trends’ requirements are not properly managed and supported by needed specific ICT software technology.
SODALITE vision is to support Digital Transformation of European Industry through increasing design and runtime effectiveness of software-defined infrastructures, to ensure high-performance execution over dynamic heterogeneous execution environments; increasing simplicity of modelling applications and infrastructures, to improve manageability, collaboration, and time to market. This is achieved by providing application developers and infrastructure operators with tools that abstract their application and infrastructure requirements to enable simpler and faster development, deployment, operation, and execution of heterogeneous applications reflecting diverse circumstances over heterogeneous, software-defined, high-performance, cloud infrastructures, with a particular focus on performance, quality, manageability, and reliability.
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ETP4HPC – the European Technology Platform (ETP) for High-Performance Computing (HPC) - is a private, industry-led and non-profit association.

This is the second version of our white paper, here we detail more the advances achieved so far by our technical team and give some priority to our Use Cases where the toolset of SODALITE is tested
The External Advisory Board
An External Point of View
The scope of the EAB is to cover all aspects of the project, from technology development to market strategy and business modelling, to securing IPR and developing short to medium term postproject strategies.

SODALITE has the potential to deliver solid innovations, validated in large pilots, towards the deployment and operation of the next generation of applications that will run on heterogeneous HPC and Cloud resources.

The SODALITE outcomes are an impressive next step to facilitate efficiently deploying and operating complex, adaptive software across the whole compute continuum.