tis purus porta tristique. In nec tristique mauris. Maecenas aliquet, sem at sollicitudin egestas, nulla nibh eleifend purus, vitae euismod nunc turpis quis diam. Sed massa ligula, porttitor a elementum id, vehicula nec lectus. Etiam blandit tortor et erat iaculis, ut euismod ligula viverra.


HPE TSS 2021

HPE TSS is the place to learn how major industry trends impact our customers, their apps, and data! The HPE Technology and Solutions Summit (TSS) is designed for HPE Presales Consultants and Solutions Architects.

HPE Technology and Solutions Summit (HPE TSS 2021)

With the growing importance of DevOps roles in technological companies, bringing closer together development teams and operation teams, deployments are more frequent. As a result, possible security holes appear more often.

SODALITE: Solid as a Rock

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SODALITE is sharing in this article its approach to Towards Automated Optimization of HPC Application Deployment.

HPC WIRE: Towards Automated Optimization of HPC Application Deployment

In this deliverable, we report on the implementation progress in the second year of the project, its culmination in the second prototype of the SODALITE platform, and the evaluation of the release through a combination of technical KPI assessment and validation by the project’s three demonstratin

D6.3 Intermediate Implementation and Evaluation of the SODALITE Platform and Use Cases

The SODALITE Framework is the software system that includes all SODALITE stable components. This deliverable includes the description of the software that makes up the SODALITE stack, while the actual software is available through the GitHub SODALITE repository (https://github.com/SODALITE-EU).

D6.6 SODALITE Framework - Second Version

This deliverable reports on the status of the development, at M24, of the SODALITE Runtime Layer and the integration of its components with the rest of the SODALITE platform. This is the second of three deliverables in this series, to be released annually during the project lifetime.

D5.2 Application deployment and dynamic runtime - Intermediate version

The purpose of this deliverable is to present the status of the IaC Management Layer at the end of the second year of the SODALITE project.

D4.2 IaC Management - Intermediate version

This deliverable is the continuation of deliverable D2.1 and provides the consolidated evolution of requirements, KPIs, evaluation plan and architecture over the second year.

D2.2 Requirements, KPIs, evaluation plan and architecture - Intermediate version

cover of white paper

This is the second version of our white paper, here we detail more the advances achieved so far by our technical team and give some priority to our Use Cases where the toolset of SODALITE is tested.

White paper 2: Extremely optimizing software applications on Cloud and HPC solutions

cover page of magazine
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HiPEAC Info 62

cover pic of hipeac 2021
This year 2021, the first event of Hipeac will be virtual. We are grateful to be part of this big opportunity to connect with other projects, cluster and companies with a focus on heterogeneous applications, to shape the future of complex technologies which are crucial to continue generating huge amounts of quality data.



The 2020 International Conference on High-Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2020) will be held on December 10-14, 2020 in Barcelona, Spain (virtually).

2020 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2020)

hidalgo logo
In recent years, an increasing interest in evidence-based computer-aided approaches to address global challenges (GC) including climate modeling and prediction of migration flows arose.

HPC-as-a-Service for Global Challenges

Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications based on Deep Neural Networks (DNN) or Deep Learning (DL) have become popular due to their success in solving problems likeimage analysis and speech recognition.

Optimising AI Training Deployments using Graph Compilers and Containers


HPC is the underpinning for many of today’s most exciting new research areas, from machine learning to artificial intelligence to quantum computing.

International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC20)

Deep Leaning and code embedding based approach to linguistic detecting anti-patterns in Infrastructure as code. This is from SODALITE smell and defect prediction task.

DeepIaC: Deep Learning-based Linguistic Anti-Pattern Detection for Infrastructure-as-Code

Deep Leaning and code embedding based approach to linguistic detecting anti-patterns in Infrastructure as code. This is from SODALITE smell and defect prediction task.

DeepIaC: Deep Learning-based Linguistic Anti-Pattern Detection for Infrastructure-as-Code

speakers in this panel
This 2020 is the year to celebrate the HCLOUD Summit- where experts and stakeholders across Europe can join the different sessions and deliver cloud computing oriented talks.


This document provides a wide view of the extent of communication and dissemination strategy of SODALITE, during 36 months of the project duration.

D7.1 Web presence, branding and communication guidelines

The SODALITE architecture is divided into 3 main layers: Modelling layer, Infrastructure as Code layer, and Runtime layer. This document summarizes the available stable components in each of these layers, and points to instructions on how these components can be accessed and built.

D6.5 SODALITE framework - First version

This deliverable reports on the development status after M12 of the SODALITE Runtime Layer and the integration of its components with the rest of the SODALITE platform.

D5.1 application deployment and dynamic runtime Initial version